Author: ITU, StEP, WEEE Forum
The thought paper, Global and complementary actions for electronics extended producer responsibility presents complementary solutions and concepts to propel e-waste collection rates in line with EPR-based regulation, whilst also delving into the perceived need for an international regime around EPR to assist with harmonization efforts. New and complementary solutions and concepts are urgently needed to turn the tide on the side of e-waste collection and to move towards a circular economy. Complementary actions can be wide in scope, from commercially or not-for-profit driven to solution-based actions, including deposit-return or refund schemes, public-private-partnerships, as well as the all-actors-approach and the best-of-two worlds philosophy. Complementary actions can operate across national borders, but these would benefit greatly from an international regime, with the objective of overseeing a global approach to tackling e-waste and of ensuring the harmonization of national EPR approaches.
The thought paper was released on 14 October 2022, International E-waste Day 2022 (#eWasteDay).