Electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents

CEP Secretariat
April 11, 2024
2 min read

Work on improving the PIC procedure prior to BC COP-16

Text and image originally published on the Basel Convention official website.


Author: Basel Convention Secretariat

The Basel Convention sets out a detailed Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure with strict requirements for transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes. 

In many countries, the documentation relating to the PIC for the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes or other wastes is paper-based and documents are mainly transmitted by post, fax and email. There are a number of potential benefits to establishing electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents including reduced administrative burden, decreasing the speed and cost of the PIC and improved enforcement.

The procedure forms the heart of the Basel Convention control system and is based on four key stages 

  1. notification; 
  2. consent and issuance of movement document; 
  3. transboundary movement; and 
  4. confirmation of disposal.

Work on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents is ongoing. 

At its sixteenth meeting, the COP adopted decision BC-16/10.

In paragraph 2, the COP reiterated its invitation to Parties and observers willing to do so to work on pilot projects on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents.

In paragraph 5, the COP requested the Secretariat, in consultation with the SIWG, to prepare a report with further recommendations on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents, taking into account previous work done in this area, and previous discussions of the COP, OEWG and SIWG. 

In paragraph 6, the COP requested the Secretariat, to organize, subject to the availability of resources, and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, technical assistance activities and awareness-raising events in order to help Parties advance the work on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents of the Basel Convention.

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